Adjusting the Controls
Two controls Iet you regulate the temperature in the
fresh food and freezer compartments
At first, set both controls at "INITIAL SEllING"
Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize,
whether you are setting the controls for the first time
or adjusting them later. Then, if you want colder or
warmer temperatures in either compartment, adjust
the controls one step at a time
Note: Moving the fresh food control to OFF turns off
coding in both compartments-fresh Foodand freezer-
but does not shut off power to the refrigerator
How to TestTemperatures
Use the milk test for the fresh food compartment.
Place a container of milk on the top shelf inthe fresh food
compartment Check it a day later_If the milk istoo warm
or too cold, adiust the temperature contrors,
Use the ice cream test for the freezer compartment.
Place a container of ice cream in the center of the keezer
compartment Check it after a day. Ifit'stoo hard or too
soft, adjust the temperature controls
Turning Your Household Thermostat
Below 60oE at Night.'?
You may want to move the freezer control one step
colder Cooler temperatures in the house may cause the
compressor to operate less frequently, thus allowing the
freezer compartment to warm somewhat
Toprotect your frozen food supply, leave your freezer
control at thisnew, colder setting for the entire winter or
for as long as you keep your thermostat turned down.
Moving the freezer control to a colder setting should have
no effect on your fresh food compartment However, if
freezing occurs, move the control one step warmer
When you stop turning the household thermostatdown at
night, move the refrigerator temperature controls back to
theirregular settings,
Food Storage Suggestions
Suggested Storage Times
Eating quality drops REFRIGERATOR FREEZER
after time shown AT AT
35 ° to 40°R 0°Fo
Fresh Meats
Roasts (Beef & Lamb) ............ 3 _o5
Roasts (Pork & Veal) ............ 3 to 5
Steaks (Beef) .................... 3 to 5
Chops (Lamb) .................... 3 to 5
Chops (Pork) ............. 3 to 5
Ground & Stew Meats ............. 1to 2
Variety Meals ............................... 1to 2
Sausage (Pork) ........... t to 2
Processed Meats
Bacon .......................................... 7
Frankfurters................................. 7
Ham (Whole) ............... 7
Ham (Half) ................ 3 to 5
Ham (SIices) ................... 3
Luncheon Meats ................... 3 to 5
Sausage (Smoked) ............. 7
Sausage (Dry & Semi-Dry) ...... 14 to 21
Cooked Meats
Cooked Meats and
Meat Dishes .................................... 3 to 4
Gravy & Meat Broth ............... 1 to 2
Fresh Poultry
Chicken &Turkey (Whole) ...... t to 2
Chicken (Pieces) ...................... t to 2
Turkey (Pieces) .................... 1 to 2
Duck & Goose (Who_e} ......... I 1o2
Giblets .................................. ! to2
Cooked Poultry
Pieces (Covered with Broth) ...... I to2
Pieces (Not Covered) ................... 31o 4
Cooked Po_sltryDishes ............ 3 to 4
FriedChicken ............... 3 _o4
(Other than for meats & poultry)
6to t2
6to 12
3 to4
3 to4
3 to4
] to2
1 |o2
1 Io2
nOt recom_
4to 6
Most fruitsand vegetables ................. 8-12 months
Lean fish ........................................... 6-8 months
Fattyfish, rollsand breads,
soups, stew, casseroles ................. 2-3 months
Cakes, pies,sandwiches,
leftovers (cooked),
Ice cream (original carton) ........................ 1 month max
Meats, fish and pou}try purchased from the store
vary in quality and age; consequently, safe storage
times in your refrigerc_tor will vary,
New techniques are constantly being developed
Consult the Coltege or County Extension Service or
your local Utility Company for the latest information
on freezing and storing foods.