Congratulations for selectingthe PROFORM®CROSS
WALK Dual Motion CrossTrainer. The CROSSWALK
combines the best features of today's mostpapular home
exercise equipment in one compact unit. The natural
motion and versatility of treadmills have made them the
most papular way to get an effective lower body and
cardiovascular workout. Now with the dual motion
design of the CROSSWALK, you can get a complete
upper body workout aswell. And the adjustability of the
CROSSWALK allows every user to work at their own
level. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned ath-
lete, you'll enjoy the performance and uncompromising
quality that only the CROSSWALK offers.
Foryour benefit, read this manual carefully before
usingthe CROSSWALK. If you have additional ques-
tions,pleasecall our toll-flee HELPUNEat
1-800-736-6879, Monday throughSaturday, 7 a.m.
until7 p.m. Central Time (excludingholidays). To help us
assistyou, please note the productmodel numberand
serialnumberbefore calling. The modelnumber is
831.297311. The serialnumbercan be found on a
decal attachedto the CROSSWALK (seethe drawing on
the frontcover for the locationof the decal).
Before reading further, please review the drawing below
and familiarize yourself with the parts that are labeled.
Upper Body Arms_
Walking Belt
Walking Platform
PowerCord _
FootRai BACK
LEFTSIDE Rear Leg Rear Roller
Adjustment Bolts
4 Note: The rear leg pad may mark somelypesof linoleum. Mild household cleaning agentswill remove any marks.