Suggested Storage Times
Eating quality drops
after time shown
35 ° to 40°F. O°F.
Fresh Meats
Roasts (Beef & Lamb) ..... 3 to 5
Roasts(Park& Veal). . . 3 to 5
Steaks (Beef) ........... 3 to 5
Chops(Lamb) ........... 3 to 5
Chops (Pork) .............. 3 to 5
Ground & Stew Meats ..... I to 2
Variety Meats ............. t to 2
Sausage (Pork) ............ I to 2
Processed Meats
Bacon...................... 7
Frankfurters ........... 7
Ham (Whole) .......... 7
Ham (Half) ............ 3 to 5
Ham (Slice_) ........... 3
Luncheon Meats .......... 3 to 5
Sausage (Smoked) ....... 7
Sausage (Dry & Semi-Dry) 14to 21
Cooked Meats
Cooked Meats and
Meat Dishes .......... 3 to 4
Gravy 8, Meat Broth ...... 1 to 2
Fresh Poultry
Chicken & Turkey(Whole) , I to 2
Chicken (Pieces) .......... 1to 2
Turkey (Pieces).......... 1to 2
Duck& Goose (Whole) , , 1to2
Giblets ................. 1to 2
6to 12
4 to8
6 to 12
1 to2
1 to2
1 to2
1 to2
not recom-
2 to3
Cooked Poultry
Pieces (Covered with Broth) 1 to 2 6
Pieces(NotCovered)...... 3 to 4 1
Cooked Poultry Dishes .... 3 to 4 4to 6
Fried Chicken .............. 3 to 4 4
(Other than for meats & poultry) FRI_EZER
Most fruits and vegetables .............. 8-12 months
Leanfish .............................. 6-8months
Fatty fish, rolls and breads,
soups,stew,casseroles ............... 2-3 months
Cakes, pies, sandwiches,
leftovers (cooked),
Ice cream (original carton) ......... 1 month max..
Meats, fish and poultry purchased from the store
vary in quality and age; consequently, safe storage
times in your refrigerator will vary.
New techniques are constantly being developed,
Consult the College or County Extension Service or
your local Utility Company for the latest information
on freezing and storing foods.
Tips on freezing foods
1. Freeze only top-quality foods. Freezing retains
quality and flavor; it cannot improve quality.
2. Freeze fruits and vegetables quickly after
picking. The sooner you do, the better the frozen
product will be, with less culling and sorting to do.
3. Use food wraps designed especially for
To freeze meat, fish and poultry, wrap welt in
freezer-weight foil (or other heavy-duty wrapping
material) forming it carefully to the shape of the
contents. This expels air. Fold and crimp ends of
the package to provide a good, lasting seal.
Don't refreeze meat that has completely thawed;
meat, whether raw or cooked, can be frozen
successfully only once.
Limit freezing of fresh (unfrozen) meats or seafoods
to number of pounds at a time as follows:
Models Lbs.
61961, 61968, 71961, 71968 ...........................t6
61271, 61278, 71271, 71278 ............................ t9
60581, 60588, 70581, 70588 .............................. 22
For convenience., .
o Store like things together° This saves both time and
electricity because you can find foods faster.
e Place the oldest items up front so they can be used
up promptly.
o Use door bins for most often used items.
To save money in energy and food costs, _.
o Cover moist foods with tight lids, plastic film or foil.
• Leaf vegetables and fruits placed in drawers will
last longer when stored in closed plastic containers
or wrapped in plastic filmo
o Do not overload your fresh food or freezer
compartment with a lot of warm food at once°
• Open the doors the fewest times possible to save
electrical energy_
= When going out of town for several days, leave
as few perishables as possible in the refrigerator.
If your refrigerator has an icemaker, move the
icemaker feeler arm to the OFF (up) position and
shut off water to the refrigerator.