]3me Special Notes
1cup (250mL) 1-2rain.
2 cups (500 mL) 3 - 4 mirL
1cup (250mL) 1-2rain.
2 cups (500 mL) 3 - 4 rain.
Heat uncovered.
Stir after heating.
103/4 oz (300 mL) can 3 - 4 rain.
103/4 oz (300 mL) can 3 - 5 rain.
Use microwave-safe casserole. Cover.
Stir after heating.
Cooked pizza
10 inch pizza cut into
8 portions
Sliced thin
Sliced thick, 1" (2.5 cm)
2 wedges 1 - 2 rain.
4 wedges 2 - 3 rnin.
whole 3 - 4 rain.
3- 5 oz (85-140 g) 1 - 2 min.
3 - 5 oz (85 -140 g) 2 - 3 rain.
Place on paper towels or paper plate or
leave in uncovered cardboard box. Points
toward center.
Heat on microwave-safe plate, covered with
wax paper.
Chili, stews 2 cups (500 g) 3 - 5 rain.
Hamburgers, 1 serving t/2 - 1 rain.
meat loaf slices, 2 servings 1 - 2 min.
sausage patties 4 servings 2 - 4 min.
Place in microwave-safe dish. Cover.
Stir halfway through cooking time.
Place on microwave-safe plate. Cover with
paper towel. Turn over once.
Chicken pieces
Chicken, turkey,
1 1 - 2 rain.
2 2-3min.
4 3-5min.
6 4 - 6 rain.
3 - 5 oz (85-140 g) 1 - 3 rain.
Heat on microwave-safe plate. Cover with
wax paper. If fried, cover with paper towel.
Heat on microwave-safe plate. Cover with
wax paper.
Shrimp, crab, or scallops 61/2 oz (185 g)
in sauce, frozen
4- 6 min.
Pierce pouch and place on microwave-safe
plate. Flex pouch to mix halfway through
cooking time.
Seafood or fish casserole, 16 oz (450 g)
5 - 7 min.
Remove from package to a microwave-safe
casserole. Cover. Stir once during cooking.
Cooked rice, pasta
frozen in pouch
Canned vegetable
3/4 cup (175 mL) 1 - 2 min.
1-2cups(250-500mL) 2-4rain.
10- 12 oz (280- 340 g) 4- 6 rain.
8 oz (230 g) 1 - 2 rain.
15 oz (425 g) 2 - 4 min.
18 oz (500 g) 3 - 5 rain.
Heat in microwave-safe casserole, covered
with plastic wrap.
Pierce pouch. Place on microwave-safe
plate. Flex pouch to mix halfway through
cooking time.
Use microwave-safe casserole, covered.
Stir once.
Mashed potatoes,
Amount "lime
4 servings 4 - 6 rain.
Pudding and pie filling mix 31/4 oz (90 g) 5 - 7 min. Follow package directions. Stir once.
Cream of wheat 1/4cup (50 mL) 1 - 3 rain. Add 3/4cup (175 mL) of water. Cook
(regular) uncovered. Stir once. Let stand I minute.
1/2cup (125 mL) 3 - 5 rain. Add 11/z cup (375 mL) of water. Cook
uncovered. Stir once. Let stand 1 minute.
Wheat-bran cereal 1/4cup (50 mL) 1 - 3 min. Add 3/4cup (175 mL) of water. Cook
uncovered. Stir once. Let stand 1 minute.
1/2 cup (125 mL) 3 - 5 rain. Add 11/2 cup (375 mL) of water. Cook
,..:J- uncovered. Stir once. Let stand 1 minute,
Special Notes
Follow package directions. Reduce liquid by
1 tbsp (15 mLi.