Prepare the Top Thread
• Thread the Needle
The numbered steps above follow the numbers on
the illustrations.
Dotted lines show places where the thread loops
and then is pufled tight.
Raise take-up lever to its highest position by turning handwheel toward you.
Raise presser foot lever.
Place spool on spool pin as shown, with thread coming from the back of the spool.
(_ Draw thread into thread guide using both hands.
(_ While holding thread near spool, draw thread down into the tension area and then around the check
spring holder.
(_ Firmly draw thread up and through take-up lever from right to left.
(_) Draw thread down and slip it into left side needle bar thread guide.
Thread needle Jrom front to back.
NOTE You may want to cut the end of thread with sharp scissors for easier needle threading.
Et_tage du fil d'aiguille
• Guidage dufilde dessus
Les mm_#ros sur ies illustratiot_ correspondent &
ceu_"des paragraphes.
Les tratts pointill_s motttrent les endroits oh, en
coltsant, te fil est retdch_, puis retendu.
Tonmez le volant ?zta main vers votts pour amener te releveur-tendeur de fil enposition haute.
Remontez le pied-de-biche. Posez la bobine de fil comme montrd, tefil se ddroulant par I'arrikre.
Q) Tenez tefil des dettx mares et passez-Ie sous te guide-ilL
_) Alors que vous retenez te fil pros de _a bobine, tirez le fil vers le has, dens ta ramure, et atttoter dt¢
dispositif gt ressort.
_) Tirez fermement lefil vers ie haut et passez-le, de droite ?zgauche, dens le crochet du reteveurtendet_t:
(_ Tirez le fil vers Ie has et faites-le passer dans le guide-ilL
(_) E1_iez ["aiguille d'avant en arridre.
REMAR QUE: P_ur intr_duwe plus faci_ement1e fi_ dans1e chas de l_azg_ille_ c_upez _eb_ttt cht_l avec des
ciseaux bien aiguts_s.