:Put in a Zipper (Continued)
Zipper teeth
C, Sew In the zipper.
!. FoJd back the left seam allowance as
2. Turn under ,the right seam allowance to
form a 1/8" _old.
3. Place the zipper teeth next to the 1/8""
fold and pmm place.
NOTE: Be sure the top of the zipper (the
slider) is at the top of the garment.
4, Attach the foot holder to the right pins on
the zipper foot.
5. Lower the zipper foot on the top side at
the bottom of the zipper so that the needle
pierces the fold and the zipper tape.
6, Sew through the fold and the zipper tape
to the point where the slider begins.
7. Lower the needle to hold the fabric and
raise the presser foot,
8. Open the zipper.
9, Lower the presser foot and stitch the
rest of the seam.