Threading the Machine
1. Green
# =====_.._
Threading Chart
ILocated behind ooper cover)
For your convenience, your Kenmore overlock has been pre-threaded. To prepare to sew with your
choice of threads, follow these simple instructions:
Make sure unit is unplugged from the wall outlet and/or machine.
- Raise telescoping thread guide bar.
Open looper cover.
Place soool cones on soool holder.
Tie farthest cone on the right to green, 2nd from right to red, 3rd from right to blue and remaining
spool on left to orange.
Raise 3resser foot,
Set tension dials to 0.
Turn hand wheel away from you once or twice until needles are in the ful! up position. This
releases th reads.
Pull all threads out until either the orange or blue thread approaches the needle eve.
Cut out needle thread knot and oull addition al thread to thread needle.
Pull thread until the remaining thread is close to the other needle eye.
Th read needle.
-- Pull thread until the knots have gone through the upper and lower ooper.
AI threads should be under the presser foot and pulled to the back.
Set all tension dials back to 3.
Lower presser foot and turn hand wheel toward you to chain off 3 or 4 stitches.
Plug unit in wall outlet and machine and turn power switch on.
You are ready to serge.