Program providers have the option of sending inforl]latio_l th_uugh
the airwaves along their programs. If this information is available,
the TV can display it up when you press DISPLAY on the remote. To
display the on-screen program details:
1. Press DISPLAY once to bring up the channel marker.
2. Press DISPLAY again to bring up the program title, the
program's length, elapsed time and other program details such
as the story line and whether Closed-Captioning is available.
3. Press DISPLAY again to clear the screen.
Whether all (or any) of the program details are displayed depends
on whether the program provider has sent the information along
with the program.
Many programs are encoded with closed-captioning information, which
lets you display the audio portion of a program as text on the TV
screen. You can tell the TV to display closed captioning: a) never, b)
whenever it is available, or c) whenever the MUTE button is pressed.
The TV offers two closed-captioned modes. Select CCl for full
translation of the primary language in your area. Select CC2 for
secondary language translation, simplified English, or whatever is
being broadcast in your area.
Closed captioning is not available on all channels at all times. Only
specific programs encoded with closed-captioning information are
applicable. When a program is closed captioned, the letters CC are
displayed in the channel marker.