Due to the nature of the typical gas water heater, the
water temperature in certain situations may vary up to
30°F higher or lower at the point of use such as, bathtubs,
showers, sink, etc,
This means that when the temperature adjustment dial is
set at the mark approximating 120° F, the actual water
temperature at any hot water tap could be as high as
150°F or as low as90°E
Any water heater's intended purpose is to heat water_ Hot
water is needed for cleaning (bodies, dishes, clothing).
Hot water will present a scald hazard. Depending on the
time element, and the people involved (normal adults,
children, toddlers, elderly, infirm, etc.) scalding may
occur at different temperatures..
HOTTERWATERCAN SCALD:Water heatersare intendedto
producehot water. Water heated to a temperaturewhich
will satisfyclotheswashing, dishwashing,andothersanitiz-
ingneedscanscaldand permanentlyinjureyou uponcon-
tact. Somepeopleare morelikelyrobe permanently injured
by hotwaterthanothers.Theseincludetheelderly,children,
the infirm, or physically/mentallyhandicapped,if anyone
usinghot waterin your homefitsinto oneofthesegroupsor
if thereis a localcodeor statelaw requiringa certaintem-
peraturewaterat thehot watertap, thenyou musttakespe-
cial precautions.In additionto usingthelowest possibletem-
perature setting that satisfiesyour hot water needs,some
typeof temperingdevice,suchasa mixingvalve,shouldbe
usedat the hot water tapsusedby thesepeopleor at the
waterheater.Mixingvalvesare availableat plumbing supply
or hardwarestores.Follow manufacturersinstruct]ons for
installation ofthevalves.Beforechangingthe factorysetting
on the thermostat,read the "Temperature Regulation"sec-
tionin thismanual.
Never allow small children to usea hot water tap, or to 1
draw their own bath water. Never leave a child or hand-
icappedperson unattendedin a bathtub or shower,
Turn the water temperature dial clockwise (('_) to
decrease the temperature, or cour_terclockwise (#'_"_)
to increase the temperature.
i i m
V HOT-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
120°F, which will supply hot water at the
most economical temperatures.. The temper-
ature adjustment knob can be turned lower
than "HOT" if desired.
A-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
B-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
140°E This is the lowest setting for supply of
hot water to dishwashers°
C-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
VERY HOT-Is a thermostat setting of 160°E. It is recom-
mended that the dial be set lower whenever
NOTE: Residential gas-firedwater heaters will not supply
sanitizing hot water for dishwashers.
The thermostat of this water heater has been factory set at
its lowest position, to reduce the risk of scald injury, tt is
•adjustable and must be reset to the desired temperature
setting. The mark (Y) HOT indicative of approximately
120°F is the preferred starting point. Some states have a
requirement for a lower setting. If you need hotter water,
follow directions for temperature adjustment, but beware
_fthe warnings in this section.
Should overheatin_ occur or the gas supply fail to
shut o_'f,turn "OFF' the manual gas control valve to
the appliance.