Fig#z÷ ,44
F_gute 4_
3. [hare. is a p_sssibili_y th_J_ during a_ oher shipmenT, _he
wand {rarff mb_e; spac_zr board o_ reo_ table rnigh_
h_r'ome s_ighHy 'wa_pedo Lay a #roigh_ edg0_, across the
s_Jrface D_[the table end che_k for gaps ar high spo_s or
the tab[#. Any _{Jioa, s a,F _he tabJe which are r_ol _at
shauJd b_z pruned and sanded unti_ Fla_. Sanding ca_ bc
_nae oy _sin_ one o_ the _wo key _hucks re,farted _e
under "Rout_,g- and a Crr_Jtsman moulde_ rubber
6d_c:h mad;a9 dis<_ L£e_er to _g_sr_ 43._
4, A scale may be _t_ached _c_the._ _enc_ m aid [dte _per
am,r when measuring _eng_hs during cross-cut c@era:goas
This _ar_ be erm_p_shed by t_cki_9 a yard s_ick Do _he
Je_ce o's @a'wa. _Se_ figure 44.)
5o I_ the e_enr _'ha[ Jhe _ence is w_ped and ca_aot b_
straightened by tightee,in, g the _ble damps proceed as
fallows: _emove the fence an_ reR_¢e with _ tem_ror/
!_eace reade @o_ a s_migh_ piece of: _mp [ember, Pro-
_d 40 cu_ s_ots _a the original fence where the gap
be_en the fence and front tame was d_Jerrr@_ed Do be
the g_e_est,, (See fig_re 45 _o: s_o#ing._
ReFlac:e the Je_g>e, ={tar sJatti_g, behin_ fh_ free{ t_bie
_#h the s[,o_ t_ward the r,eor and _igh!ren the _'ebJe
6o Keep ag eumn_ rods s_¢h as sow blades, drills, r_o]diag
o_rers, dodos, e_c. sharp _rtd do _ot force feed the work
_o the _aJ_t @e_e _.h_rs_br speed _sdrastically red_ced-
This wlit mi_ir_ize e_art, gw_ better cots and better _es_s1_
c_verheatb_g and possibJe burn o_ caused _y the abuse
_t overload,
When usb'_g u[ane¢, m0[di'ng, or dadn S_ad_t_s, _cp_ta_<_a
light cu_s w_l g_ve the bes_ :r'em]ts DeetJ cuts rea_Jce _he
q_aJ_ty of the f_sh.
An a_xi]iar¥ _'_bb_ mp fo_ mo]di_g o_ shaping can be
cans]r_cled simiJar :o {igur_z 46. Not_ _h_ sna_e of the
b_ck _uid_r {eric@ aga[nsll' '_hich your work piece is mnved.
A cut-out 5" w_d@ zhouJd h,e made _1 the r(mt__*r of tDiz
_uide _ce 10 _iYe adeqeate deorar_ce for the mo]db g
herod r_aa _ut!"ers_ AI_ a wider clearance :marked °'A
should be _ade io dbw _o_ the mdiai sa_ mot0€. Be
s._atethe fron_ edge of 1he e_,,xgiary _oble is pardU with
@_@_urfoc,e o_ _he geide _en<e _/]th the a_x[_irry fable
_op _h_s ¢ompJeted iN,is_eody _or o_ by merely names
_g _ i#to pos:t:on w_h "'C"° damps,
8_NCN _OW£R TOOL @#A_A.Nlr_F.;
We f_aro_tee a[_ C'raf_sman RadioJ Arm Sows to be {:r_e
from de_ects in material a_d wor_man_ip. Whe_ property
_sed° cared for and m_int_Ned, we Wi]_ r#£[oce or r£pdr
at o_r opson _:_d instaJ/ without aasl to you, fat a period
of _>ne []} year _ro_ d,aie of sa_e. any pa_ which proves
upon our exominat]o_L to be deled]re ende_ _or_d usr3,
TBN guarantee doem't apply to Rad_c_J Arm Saws la rent@[
18 THOU 22