
SeaFONE. 408/438-8222
You can talk to a technical support specialist between
A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday.
SeaFONE provides recorded technical information on
selected Seagate products while you are on hold. You can
access the recordings 24 hours daily. Before calling, note your
system configuration and drive model number (ST
Using a modem, you can:
Access documentation, drive specifications and jumper set-
tings for Seagate’s entire product line.
Download software for installing and analyzing your drive.
Request a return phone call from the technical support staff.
SeaBoard is available 24 hours daily. It supports communica-
tions up to 9600 baud. Set your communications software to
eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8-N-1). SeaBOARD
phone numbers are listed in the following table.
Location Modem number
United States 408-438-8771
England 44-62-847-8011
France 33-1-40 67 10 34
Germany 49-89-140-9331
Singapore 65-292-6973
Australia 61-2-756-2359
SeaTDD. 408/438-5382
Using a TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf), you
can send questions or comments 24 hours daily and exchange
messages with a technical support specialist between
A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday.
ST3390N, ST3655N Installation Guide, Rev. A 17