
0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
IL•1F CANopen DS301 6 Operation
Fieldbus interface 67
6.4 Examples for the operating modes with PDO4
R_PDO4 With the R_PDO4 you can start motion commands and change them
while they are being processed.
R_PDO4 provides three fields for these purposes:
modeCtrl Starting and changing operating modes
"Ref16" and "Ref32" Operating mode-dependent reference values
The specified values for these three fields are not taken over by the prod-
uct until modeCtrl, bit 7 (ModeToggle) changes.
Proceed as follows to assign values to the product:
̈ Enter the desired operating mode and the corresponding values in
the fields modeCtrl, "Ref16" or "Ref32".
̈ Change modeCtrl, bit 7 (ModeToggle)
This avoids consistency problems within the R_PDO4.
T_PDO4 T_PDO4 allows you to monitor motion commands.
T_PDO4 provides three fields for this purpose:
modeStat For Handshake purposes
driveStat Signals motion status and errors
p_actActual position of the product
ModeToggle The bit ModeToggle is available in the R_PDO4 and in the T_PDO4. The
master provides this bit in the and the product mirrors is in the . This pro-
cedure allows the master to detect whether the data transmitted by the
slave is current.
Example The master starts a positioning movement that will only take a very short
time. The master waits for the end of the positioning movement by
checking T_PDO4 for bit x_end = 1 (positioning end).
The master may receive data from the slave that still originate from a
point in time before the positioning movement was started. This data
also contains x_end = 1. The master detects that the data is obsolete
because the included bit ModeToggle does not match that of its motion
The master may only evaluate data in which the received ModeToggle
bit is identical to the last bit transmitted by the master.
Acceleration Prior to positioning, you can first set the desired acceleration with an
SDO access (object Motion.acc, 29:26). Note that the acceleration
can only be changed when the product is at a standstill.
Assumptions The examples in this chapter are based on the following assumptions:
Operating state 6 "Operation Enable"
Homing has not yet been performed (bit ref_ok = 0)
p_act = 0 (actual position)
R_PDO4: modeCtrl, Bit 7 = 0 (ModeToggle)