General Specifications
Video head system Dual-azimuth 4-head rotating helical scanning system:
Dual azimuth 2-head for record and standard playback
Dual azimuth 4-head for forward picture search, reverse picture search
and still mode
Audio recording In 8-, 24- and 40-hour modes (when using E-240 tape)
In 6-, 18- and 30-hour modes (when using E-180 tape)
Tape speed 11.70 mm /sec (8-hour mode)
Specified video cassette tape VHS 1/2 inch video cassette tape
Recording/playback time (SRT-8960P only) 8, 24, 40, 64, 96, 128, 160, 224, 320, 480, 640, 960 and 1280 hours
(when using E-240 tape)
6, 18, 30, 48, 72, 96, 120, 168, 240, 360, 480, 720 and 960 hours (when
using E-180 tape)
Recording/playback time (SRT-8040P only) 8, 24 and 40 hours (when using E-240 tape)
6, 18 and 30 hours (when using E-180 tape)
Fast forward/rewind time approximately 2 minutes 35 seconds (when using E-240 tape)
approximately 2 minutes (when using E-180 tape)
Television system PAL colour TV system
Recording method Luminance signal: FM recording
Chrominance signal: Down-converted direct recording
Video input 1 V(p-p), BNC, 75 Ω, unbalanced
Video output 1 V(p-p), BNC, 75 Ω, unbalanced
Horizontal resolution Black & white mode 350 line or more
Colour mode 250 line or more
Input – 8 dBs, RCA pin jack, 27 kΩ, unbalanced
Output – 8 dBs, RCA pin jack, 600 Ω, unbalanced
Microphone input – 60 dBs, 3.5 mm mini jack, 10 kΩ, unbalanced
Alarm (1 shot) input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 100ms or more,
Normally 5 V)
Control input Key code (pulse signal) (Normally 5 V)
Series input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 1s or more, Normally 5
Ext timer (alarm reset) input No voltage, make-contact switch input (Low input 100ms or more,
Normally 5 V)
Common 0 V (GND)
Warning output Open collector Max. 500 mA (Active Low 0 V, Normally open)
Control output Key code (pulse signal) (Normally 5 V)
Tape end output Open collector Max. 50 mA (Active Low 0 V, Normally open)
Timer output DC 5 V, 5.7kΩ, (Low output)
Switch output Pulse signal (Normally 5 V)
DC 12-24V “+” input (SRT-8960P only) DC 12 to 24V
DC 12-24V “–” input (SRT-8960P only) DC 0 V
Remote control input 3.5 mm mini jack
RQ4QR/EX (SRT-8960P GB) Fri. Sept., 06/2002