Chapter 8. Control Commands List
EPSON mode
Control code Hexadecimal
<HT> 09 Horizontal tab
<LF> 0A Print and line feed
<CR> 0D Print and carriage return
10 04 n Real-time status transmission
10 05 n Real-time request to printer
<ESC> <SP> n 1B 20 n Set right-side character spacing
<ESC> ! n 1B 21 n Select print modes
<ESC> % n 1B 25 n Select/Cancel user-defined
character set
<ESC> & y c1
c2 ..
1B 26 y c1 c2 Define user-defined characters
<ESC> * m nL
nH ..
1B 2A m nL nH Select bit-image mode
<ESC> - n 1B 2D n Turn underline mode on/off
<ESC> 2 1B 32 Select default line spacing
<ESC> 3 n 1B 33 n Set line spacing
<ESC> < 1B 3C Return home
<ESC> = n 1B 3D n Set peripheral device
<ESC> ? n 1B 3F n Cancel user-defined characters
<ESC> @ 1B 40 Initialize printer
<ESC> D n1 ~
1B 44 … 00 Set horizontal tab position
<ESC> E n 1B 45 n Turn emphasized mode on/off
<ESC> G n 1B 47 n Turn double-strike mode on/off
<ESC> J n 1B 4A n Print and feed paper
<ESC> K n 1B 4B n Print and Reverse feed
<ESC> R n 1B 52 n Select an international character
<ESC> U n 1B 55 n Turn unidirectional printing
<ESC> a n 1B 61 n Select justification