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Remote Controller Functions
1. Simple Settings Function
List of Simple Setting Items
Item code Item
Setting data
No. Description
Filter sign ON time
(fitlter life time)
0000 Not displayed
0001 150 hours
0002 2,500 hours
0003 5,000 hours
0004 10,000 hours
0005 Use the filter clogging sensor.
Degree of filter fouling
0000 Standard (setting at time of shipping)
Highly fouled
(Filter sign ON time is reduced to one-half the set time.)
Central control
0001 Central control address 1
0002 Central control address 2
0003 Central control address 3
0064 Central control address 64
0099 No central control address set (setting at time of shipping)
Operating mode
priority change
0000 Normal (setting at time of shipping)
0001 Priority
Fan speed when
heating thermostat is
Compressor ON Compressor OFF
0000 MED 1 min., LO 3 min. LO
0001 MED LO
0002 LO LO
0004 MED 1 min., LO 3 min. MED
0005 MED MED
0006 LO MED
Heating intake
temperature shift
0000 No shift
0001 Shifts intake temperature 2°F down.
0002 Shifts intake temperature 4°F down.
0003 Shifts intake temperature 6°F down.
0004 Shifts intake temperature 8°F down.
0005 Shifts intake temperature 10°F down.
0006 Shifts intake temperature 12°F down.
Electric heater
0000 No heater
0001 Heater installed
Humidifying when
heater thermostat is
0000 No (setting at time of shipping)
0001 Yes
0000 Permit
0001 Prohibit
0000 Normal
0001 Cool only (Set “1” for item code OD.)
In order to avoid water leakage and damage to the fan, do not set for humidifying when the thermostat is OFF unless a
vaporizing humidifier is used.
Consider the device purpose and type when changing the settings. Incorrect settings may result in malfunction.
Do not change any setting data that does not appear in this list.
The 10-hp 4-way ceiling cassette has 2 indoor unit addresses. Set both of them.