
1-4 SANRAD V-Switch CLI User Manual
Manual Organization
This manual is designed to guide you step-by-step through V-Switch
installation, configuration, virtualization, maintenance and troubleshooting.
The chapters are set up as follows:
Table 1-1: Manual Chapter Organization
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 2 “Installing the V-Switch 2000” Explains the V-Switch2000 chassis, cabling
connections and power up procedures.
Chapter 3 “Installing the V-Switch 3000” Explains the V-Switch 3000 chassis, cabling
connections and power up procedures.
Chapter 4 “V-Switch Configuration” Describes how to configure the V-Switch
management parameters as well as the
network and storage ports.
Chapter 5 “V-Switch Cluster Configuration” Describes how to configure V-Switches for a
dual-V-Switch cluster environment.
Chapter 6 “Volume Configuration” Describes how to configure and create
transparent, simple, concatenated, mirrored
and striped volumes.
Chapter 7 “Volume Exposure & Security” Describes how to selectively and securely
expose and manage host access to volumes.
Chapter 8 “Advanced Volume Operations” Describes how to configure online and
offline mirror copies; snapshots and volume
expansion and retraction.
Chapter 9 “Routine Volume Maintenance” Describes how to maintain and manipulate
existing volumes.
Chapter 10 “Routine V-Switch Maintenance” Explains how to execute basic V-Switch
maintenance functions.
Chapter 11 “Command Line Interface” Describes all CLI commands and their
surrounding parameters.
Chapter 12 “Monitoring & Statistics” Explains how to monitor V-Switch hardware
and communication statistics.
Appendix A “Sample Configurations” Provides working examples of common V-
Switch configurations.