
6. Select Personal Playlists from the drop down menu on the left pane.
7. Highlight the playlists you want to transfer to your player, click Add, then Finish.
8. Synchronization will start as soon as you click Finish. To see the Sync status, click on
the Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player, and then click on Sync Results.
4.2. Loading Photos and Videos
The optional free downloadable Sansa Media Converter (SMC) software lets you convert
photos and videos as appropriate, and then transfer these to your player with ease. SMC
does essentially two functions: (1) it enables transcoding of file formats which are not
native to the device; and (2) it modifies files as necessary for an optimal viewing experience
on the Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player’s screen (e.g., for video files SMC can modify aspect ratio,
frame rate, bit rate, or resolution; for photos SMC can perform rotating and resizing).
Sansa Media Converter can be used for transferring video or photo files to either your player
or a microSD card. To download the Sansa Media Converter software or to obtain more
information about its capabilities, please see www.sandisk.com/smc
Do not select both videos and photos to convert/transfer at the same time. Select
one media type (photos or video) and complete the conversion/transfer process before
selecting the second media type to convert/transfer.