English _79
• This function works only in the Play mode.
page 17
• You can erase the images recorded on the storage media.
• An image that has been deleted cannot be recovered.
1. Touch the Movie ( ) tab or Photo ( ) tab.
2. Touch the Menu ( ) tab
3. Touch the desired option tab on the screen (“Multi Select” or “All”).
• “Multi Select”: Deletes individual images.
- To delete individual images, touch images in order to select them for
The ( ) indicator is displayed on the selected images.
Touching the thumbnail image toggles between the thumbnail image
being selected for deletion(the ( ) indicator appears on image) or not
(the ( ) indicator is removed from image). Touch OK (
) tab.
• “All”: Deletes all images.
- To delete all images, simply touch the “All.”
4. The message according to the selected option will appear. Touch the “Yes.”
• After completion, selected images will be deleted. (Accordingly, the deleted
files also disappear in playlist.
page 76)
• This function operates identically in the full image display mode (single-
image displayed on the screen).
• To protect important images from accidental deletion, activate the image
page 78
• The protect (
) indicator will blink if you try to delete a image that was
previously protected.
page 78
You must release the protect function to delete the image.
• If the write protection tab on the memory card is set to lock, you cannot
• You can also format the storage media to delete all the images at once.
Be aware that all files and data including protected files will be erased.
page 68
• In the quick menu, you can delete all files only (you cannot delete a file
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Play Option
Play Option
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Multi Select
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