Link Settings OfficeServ Link Version 2.1 User Guide
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Page 21
y SIM connection mode: Uses SIM Module to connect the PBX system.
y Serial Cable connection mode: Connects a serial cable to the PBX system directly.
y TCP/IP connection mode: Uses LAN-based TCP/IP to connect
These three connections are basically divided into Serial communications and TCP/IP
communications. Because both methods need environment settings different from each
other, the appropriate communication parameter dialog box becomes active once the
primary communications method is selected.
Communication environment setup for SIM / Serial cable connections
This entry allows you to change environment settings for serial communications. The
environment settings for serial communications are as follows:
y COM Port: Receives the COM port No. of computer. The Link software uses the specified
COM port No. to set up the channel of serial communications to connect the telephone
y Baud Rate: Receives the value of serial communications. Your specification of this value
depends on the baud rate of system. By default, the value is defined as 9600 bps.
However, as for iDCS 500 / OfficeServ, you have to use the primary speed of serial
communications as 19200 bps. This value shall conform to the primary speed of PBX
Note Primary speed of serial communications for each telephone system
• DCS 180: SIM Type, 9600 BPS
• SDX COMPACT: SIM / Serial Type, 19200 BPS
• iDCS 500/OfficrServ: Serial, 19200 BPS
Each system has a function of changing the baud rate. For the setting related with your installed
system, contact an Authorised Samsung Reseller.
y Data Size: A value of 8 bits is used by default. This value shall coincide with that of
communication environment of telephone system. Usually, this value is not changed.
y Stop Bits: A value of 1 bit is used by default. This value shall coincide with that of
communication environment of telephone system. Usually, this value is not changed.
Communication Environment Setup for TCP/IP connections
Some Samsung telephone systems support the LAN-based TCP/IP communications. The
environment settings for TCP/IP connections are as follows:
y IP address: Receives the IP address of telephone system working in TCP/IP.
(See the MMC 830 settings of Key telephone system.)
y Port No.: Receives the port No. waiting for a connection request from the Link. By default,
this value is set to 5002. Usually, this value is not changed.
Note TCP/IP connection is the preferred method of connection for iDCS and OfficeServ Systems.
The other methods are retained for compatibility with previous systems.