
Organiser Organiser
Time & Date (Menu 6.3)
This option allows you to change the current
time and date displayed. You can also check the
current time for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
and 21 major cities around the world.
The following options are available:
Set Time: allows you to enter the current time.
You can choose the time format via the Time
Format menu option (Menu 6.3.4).
Note: Before setting the time, you must specify
your time zone, in the World Time menu
option (Menu 6.3.3).
Set Date: allows you to enter the day, month
and year.
World Time: allows you to find out what time it
is and another part of the world, using the
and keys.
The screen shows the:
• city name
• current date and time
• time difference between the selected city and
your city if you have set the local time (see
below for further details) or GMT (by default)
To select your time zone:
1. Select the city corresponding to your time
zone by pressing the or key one or more
times. The local date and time display.
2. Press the Set soft key.
Time Format: allows you to change the time
format to 24 Hours or 12 Hours.
Alarm (Menu 6.4)
This feature allows you to:
• set the alarm to ring at a specific time
• set the phone to switch on automatically and
ring the alarm even if the phone is switched off
(Autopower menu option set to Enable)
The following options are available:
Once Alarm: the alarm rings only once and is
then deactivated.
Daily Alarm: the alarm rings every day at the
same time.
Morning Call: the alarm rings to wake you up
in the morning.
To set an alarm:
1. Choose the type of alarm to be set.
2. Enter the required time and day of the week,
if applicable.
3. Press the OK soft key.
4. If you select Morning Call in Step 1, select
the repeat option; Monday to friday or
Monday to Saturday.
Remove Alarm: deactivates all alarm settings.
Autopower: if this option is set to Enable, the
alarm will ring at the specified time, even when
the phone is switched off.
If the menu option is set to Disable and the
phone is switched off at the specified time, the
alarm will not ring.