
Understanding Your Phone 35
multiplication, and division. You can also use this as a scientific
calculator. For more information, refer to
on page 115.
Calendar -
Launches a calendar application that syncs to your
Facebook™, Google™, or Microsoft Exchange work calendars. For
more information, refer to
on page 152.
Camera -
Launches the built-in 3.2 megapixel camera application from
where you can take a picture with either the front or rear facing
An SD card must be inserted before the camera will take and store
In addition to taking photos, the built-in camera also doubles as a
camcorder that also allows you to record, view, and send high
definition videos. For more information, refer to
“Using the
on page 100. For more information, refer to
the Camcorder”
on page 105.
Clock -
Allows you to set an alarm, configure and view the
World clock, use a stopwatch, or set a timer. The applications display in
a tabular format and quickly accessed with the touch of a finger. For
more information, refer to
on page 117.
Downloads -
Provides quick access to tabs containing a list of your
current downloaded files (Internet and Other). For more information,
refer to
on page 117.
Email -
Provides access to both your Outlook (Exchange Server-based)
work email and Internet email accounts (such as Gmail and Yahoo!
Mail). For more information, refer to
on page 90.
Gallery -
Displays a Gallery of camera images and video stored in the
microSD card. For more information, refer to
on page 109.
Game Hub -
Allows you to play social and premium games. For more
information, refer to
“Game Hub”
on page 118.
Gmail -
Provides access to your Gmail account. Google Mail (Gmail) is a
web-based email service. Gmail is configured when you first set up your
phone. For more information, refer to
“Using Google Mail”
page 97.
Google Search -
Provides an on-screen Internet search engine
powered by Google™. For more information, refer to
“Using Google
on page 27.
GPS Navigator -
Allows you to use the GPS navigation system to find
and show your destination with voice guidance. For more information,
refer to
“GPS Navigator”
on page 118.
Internet -
Open the browser to start surfing the web. The browser is fully
optimized and comes with advanced functionality to enhance the
Internet browsing feature on your phone. For more information, refer to
on page 136.
Kies air -
Allows you to sync your Windows PC wirelessly with
your phone (as long as both are on the same Wi-Fi network). You can
now have real-time access of your phone through your PC to view call
logs, videos, photos, bookmarks, Ms, and even send SMS messages