DVR Mode
■ This menu is for setting the DVR ID and model for operation by a
controller. Sub-controllers cannot be used if the master controller is
in Setup mode.
① At the initial screen, press the FUNCTION button and press the 0 button
to activate the [SETUP SYSTEM] menu.
② Press the 2 button to activate the [DVR SETUP] menu.
③ Press the 1 button to activate the [DVR Model SETUP] menu.
④ Press a number on the number pad to set the DVR ID.
The DVR model name saved in EEPROM will be displayed on the LCD
monitor when changing DVR ID.
⑤ Press the + and - buttons to change the DVR model name
(SVR 430 → SVR 900 → SVR 1620 → SVR 1630).
⑥ Press the ENTER button to finish the setup.
▤ When connecting to an SVR-430, the SVR-430 system ID must be set to be the same as the controller DVR ID
(Menu → Network/Communication → RS422/485 → SYSTEM ID).
▤ When connecting to an SVR-900/1620, the SVR-900/1620 system ID must be set to be the same as the
controller DVR ID (Menu → System Setup → Com Port Setup → SYSTEM ID).
▤ When connecting to an SVR-1630, the SVR-1630 keyboard control address must be set to be the same as the
controller DVR ID (Menu → System Setup → Misc.). Also, for the SVR-1630 COM2 RS422/485 menu (Menu →
System Setup → Serial Port), Device must be set to SCC-3000 and Interface to RS-485, and for the COM4
RS422/485 menu (Menu → System Setup → Serial Port), Device must be set to SPD2500 (if an SPD2500 is
connected) and Interface to RS-485.
▤ When controlling a PTZ camera via an SVR-1630, connect the SVR-1630 and the controller to COM2 RX+/RX-
and connect the SVR-1630 and PTZ camera to COM4 RX+/RX-. Also, at the SVR-1630 channel setup menu, set
the PTZ port of each channel to COM4 and set the PTZ address to be the same as the PTZ camera ID.