5.10.4 Date setup
It is used to setup date and time for the product.
When setup is completed and stored, it is displayed on the live screen.
9 TIME SETUP : Setup the date, time and deffernce from GMT. From the dialog box shown
above, use the mouse wheel or the buttons on the front of the product to modify the setup value.
Then select [SET] to make the assignment.
9 DATE FORMAT : Setup format to use for date notation. Select from [year/month/day],
[month/day/year], [day/month/year].
9 DAYLIGHT SAVING : Setup whether to apply daylight savings time.
9 NTP CHECK: Setup whether use network time protocol function or not.
9 NTP SERVER: Input the name (ex. time.windows.com) or IP address of NTP server.
NTP means network time protocol that synchronizes the time of device or
equipment through internet. DVR accesses to public NTP server and
automatically synchronizes the time value. NTP server is alternative by local
server which can synchronizes local time. As NTP server broadcasts GMT,
DVR should be set also time difference between local and GMT.
If Check points when time synchronization fails.
- Please check network connection and setting.
- Please check NTP server setting. NTP SERVER should be public or permitted to
- Please check DNS sever setting. When NTP SERVER is set as server name not
IP address, DNS server is necessary.