User Manual
z Check the remote’s ID
z Check the remote’s specification
8. The buttons aren’t working
z Check the DVR’s power supply
z Check the Screen Lock setting
9. The DVR won’t connect to the network
z Check whether the network cable is connected properly
z Check the DVR’s IP
z Check the PC’s IP
z Ping Test
z Check the PC’s specification if Web Viewer will not run properly
10. Cases to contact purchasing agency
If the following cases occur, immediately cease the product operation, shut off the power
supply and take the console to the purchasing agency for repair.
z The product malfunctions during operation (Ex.: Strange noise, smell, smoke, etc.)
z The power cable or the connector has been damaged.
z The product has been flooded.
z The product has been spilled on.
z The product will not function as stated in this document.
z The product was severely damaged due to physical shock.
z A stark change in performances has been noticed.