
6.5 Other Search Button
: Still Image Capture button in Search mode
In Search mode, Press button, and the following screen appears.
- Save Path : Press button on the Save path and set the desired save path.
- File Name : Write file name of the image to be stored.
- File Format : Select save file format.
: AVI Backup Button
Press button, and the following screen appears. Set the Backup duration and
press OK button to store the backup AVI file into the PC.
The AVI file can be displayed by the window media player
When the AVI File is not played on the Window media player, Erase the
SMI File in the folder which the data is stored or move the SMI File to
another folder. (SMI File is an OSD text File of date, CH etc)
: Mark in
During Playback, Press this button to mark in as a start time for the backup.