
52_ menu setup
menu setup
Setting Holiday
You can set specific dates to Holidays according to your preferences.
Holidays are applied to <Recording Schedule> and <Alarm Out Schedule> too.
` Ex : Select January 10th and check on <1/10> only to make every January 10th a holiday. Check both on <1/10> and <Jan 2nd
Tue> to make every January 10th and 2nd Tuesday of January holidays.
` Date set as holiday appears in yellow color.
To select date
1. Click < > or < > to select the year to search.
2. Click <
> or < > to select the month to search.
Permission Management
You can set permissions of each user over the NVR's specific function and settings.
Setting the Administrator
You can set and change Administrator's ID and password.
The administrator can use and set all menu items and functions.