English _91
Menu Functions
Controls connect PTZ camera(s).
OSD Menu
Goes to the relevant menu screen of a camera, which supports OSD menu and changes
the menu.
Display Pane
Displays the video of camera connected to DVR.
Click Logout icon for logout.
User ID
Displays the user's ID.
Dual Stream selection: Right click on any of live channels, there will be a drop-down menu profile1/profile2. The
default setting is profile1, that's to say, video displayed as profile1 resolution. If you select profile2, Video will be
displayed as profile2 resolution.
profile1: Live transfer resolution, Profile 2: Recording resolution
OSD Information Display
a The channel number of the connected DVR are displayed.
b Either the <DVR Time> or the <PC Time> will be displayed as the
current date and time, according to your configuration.
c It displays whether the PTZ controls are active.
d Shows Audio On/Off status.
e Alarm icon appears when alarm is issued.
It disappears when pressed the [ALARM] button of the DVR.
f Motion icon appears when a motion is detected.
g Tampering icon appears when a tampering is detected.
h Shows the recording status.
If you have set PTZ cameras for the DVR, “PTZ” is displayed on the
screen. Select a PTZ camera channel and use the [PTZ] button for
camera control.
Connected DVR
This displays the IP address and the status of the connecting
Connection failure message
No Response : Appears when the DVR does not respond.
Access Denied : Appears when the maximum number of
users is exceeded.
The number of simultaneous connections are limited to 10.
Setting the Display of the OSD Time Information
Select <DVR Time> or <PC Time> for the OSD time
information display setting.
• DVR Time : Based on the time of the connected DVR
• PC Time : Based on the time of the PC currently running
the Web Viewer.
a b
c d e f g h