8 Getting Started
ᮣ indicates your phone is in vibrate mode.
ᮣ shows your current battery charge strength.
(Icon shown fully charged.) If the battery is
discharged,there are no bars displayed and the
battery icon flashes.
ᮣ indicates that position location is active.
ᮣ indicates that position location is inactive.
ᮣ indicates that your phone is roaming.
ᮣ indicates that your phone is in security mode.
ᮣ indicates that your phone is operating in analog
ᮣ indicates that your phone is operating in digital
ᮣ indicates that your phone is in 1X service.
ᮣ indicates that your phone is in Airplane Mode. All
TX and RX transmissions are turned Off.
ᮣ indicates that an alarm is set on your phone.
ᮣ indicates that the ringer is set at a level
between 1-8 or 1-Beep is selected.
ᮣ Indicates that the ringer is turned Off.
ᮣ indicates that something has been
downloaded to your phone.
Tip: Display indicators let you know when you’re off the network.