· English
<Gmail> Notification
The event alarm is sent through Gmail.
1. Select the Google.
2. Check <Use> of Gmail.
3. Enter your Gmail address and password.
4. Click <Save>.
5. Enter your email address to receive the notification e-mail and click <Add>.
Now, the receiver full email address will be shown in the List Box. If you want
to register more than one email address, you can just repeat the same
If your Google email ID and password are saved, check the use of Gmail only.
<Twitter> Notification
When an event is detected, the notification message is sent to the user’s Twitter
1. Select the Twitter.
2. Click <Request URL>.
3. Click <Access Twitter>.
Twitter web page will pop-up for authorization.
4. Enter your Twitter user ID and password.
5. Click on <Authorize app> to get the Access Token.
6. You will see the pin number generated. Copy the pin numbers and go back
to the camera page and paste the pin number in the Access Token section.
7. Click <Apply>.
` The alarm notification will be sent to the specified user account via Twitter.
email address>