
1. Software Installation
Installation for Macintosh 131
Reinstallation for Macintosh 132
Installation for Linux 133
Reinstallation for Linux 135
2. Using a Network-Connected
Useful network programs 137
Wired network setup 138
Installing driver over the network 141
IPv6 configuration 150
Wireless network setup 153
3. Useful Setting Menus
Before you begin reading a chapter 177
Print menu 178
Copy menu 179
Fax menu 186
Scan menu 190
System setup 192
Admin setup 204
Custom setup 205
4. Special Features
Altitude adjustment 207
Storing email address 208
Entering various characters 210
Setting up the fax address book 211
Registering authorized users 214
Printing features 215
Scan features 230
Fax features 241
Using shared folder features 252
Using memory/hard drive features 253
5. Useful Management Tools
Easy Capture Manager 255
Samsung AnyWeb Print 256
Easy Eco Driver 257