
Date/Time Search
Use the Day/Time information to search video files at the time as you desire.
Up to 4 channels can be searched at once.
Press , , and [Enter] to select a channel and the box on the right of the chan-
nel will be checked.
After channel selection, press to move to the row where you can choose the
search time. To change the search time, press [Enter]. The search time can be
controlled by years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds and each value can be
changed by pressing , ❷☎For your convenience, keep pressing the button to
change the value continuously.
Press ❷☎to move to [Start] and enter [Enter] to initiate search and move to
[Cancel] and press [Enter] to cancel search.
The time information in the bottom left corner, 2004-03-10 08:38:58 indicates the
time when play starts.
Press [9-16] to see the information of CH 9~16 respectively.