
Menu Outline
The following list shows the menu structure and indicates the number assigned to
each option.
1: Voice notes
2: Call records
2.1: All calls
2.2: Missed calls
2.3: Incoming calls
2.4: Outgoing calls
2.5: Delete all
2.6: Call time
3: t-zones
3.1: Home
3.2: Go to URL
3.3: Bookmarks
3.4: Clear cache
4: IM
4.1: AIM
4.1.1: Sign on
4.1.2: Saved conversations
4.1.3: Offline conversations
4.1.4: Community settings
4.1.5: Help
4.2: ICQ
4.2.1: Connect
4.2.2: Saved conversations
4.2.3: Offline conversations
4.2.4: Community settings
4.2.5: Help
4.3: Windows Live
4.3.1: Sign in
4.3.2: Saved conversations
4.3.3: Community settings