
NNeettwwoorrkk SSeerrvviicceess
Using this feature, you can play seven different games
with the phone:
• Casino
• Roulette
• Black Jack
• Sniper
• Snake
• Mole
• Othello
Once you have selected a game, the following options
are available.
Play: allows you to start a game.
Level: allows you to select the level of difficulty. Select
the required level using the and keys
and press
the OK soft key. This option is only available
in games
with several levels (Sniper, Snake).
Configuration: allows you to configure the phone for
the chosen game (backlight and sound settings).
To adjust each setting, highlight the Backlight or
Sound option by pressing the and keys and
then toggle between ON and OFF by pressing the
On/Off soft key.
Instructions: describes the buttons used by the game.
If necessary, press the right soft key to see a more
detailed description.
numbers. The list of current CUG indexes appears. Add a
new CUG index (as advised by your service provider) or
delete a selected group.
To... Then press the...
Scroll through the or key.
existing CUG indexes
Add a new CUG index Options soft key, select the
Add option and enter the
Delete a CUG index Options soft key and select
the Delete option.
Activate a CUG index Options soft key and select
the Activate option.
Outside Access: lets you enable or disable calls to
numbers other than those nominated for the Closed User
Group. This feature depends on the nature of your CUG
subscription. Please check with your service provider.
Default Group: you may communicate a default CUG to
your service provider. If you have done so, you can
enable the Default Group option on your phone. When
making a call, you will be given the option of using your
default CUG, instead of selecting one from the list.
Deactivate: deactivates the CUG function. This menu
appears only when the default group is enabled or a
CUG index is selected.