MMeellooddyy CCoommppoosseerr
MMeellooddyy CCoommppoosseerr
3. To... Then click...
Listen to the melody .
Stop playing the melody .
Save the melody .
Go to Step 4.
4. Select the directory in which the music file is to be
saved and type the file name. Click Save.
The music file is saved in the .gsm format.
Creating a New Melody
1. To change the melody title, click the current title
and type the required title (up to 60 characters).
2. Compose your melody, using the composer tabs.
See page 54 for further details.
5. When you are satisfied with your melody, click
to exit the Melody Composer and return to the
main EasyGPRS window.
Editing a Melody
1. To open an existing music file, click in the
The Open dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the file to be edited and click Open.
The Melody Editor for EasyGPRS window displays
the selected melody on the music sheet.
3. Edit the melody in the same way as if you were
creating a new melody.
4. To save the edited melody, click .
5. Click to exit the Melody Composer and return
to the main EasyGPRS window.