
SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice
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Circuit Description
IrDA Data Compliant 115.2kbit/s with Remote Control Transmission Infrared Transceiver.
A small form factor single enhanced infrared transceiver module that provides the combination of
Interface between logic and IR signals for through-air, serial, half-duplex IR data link, and IR remote
control transmission operating at 940nm for universal remote control applications.
There is a USB Client in the Phone part and PDA part each.
The USB signals are switched to the interface connector via MUX(U712, MAX4636).
The USB interface of the Phone part is used for data service.
The USB of the PDA part is used for downloading user files and application programs by ActiveSync
to PC.
There is a UART port in the Phone part and PDA part each.
The UART interface of the Phone part is used for downloading.
For user interface, a keypad is used for function. For key recognition, a key matrix is set up using
signals KBC_(0)~(6) and KBR_(0)~(4) of the PXA270.