Games & Apps
Games & Apps
Using the Games & Apps menu you can play games already stored on your
phone, as well as download games and other applications from your
service provider.
Get New Games
This selection allows you to download games from your service provider.
1. From the Idle screen, touch
Games & Apps
Get New
The browser launches and opens the Games page.
2. Follow the on-screen options to select and download a file.
For more information on using the browser, see “Internet” on page 76.
Play a Game
To play a game:
1. From the Idle screen, touch
Games & Apps
2. Touch the game you want to play.
3. The game’s welcome screen displays information about the game.
Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game.
Get New Applications
This selection allows you to download applications from your service
1. From the Idle screen, touch
Games & Apps
Get New
The browser launches and opens the Apps page.
2. Follow the on-screen options to select and download a file.