My Stuff 92
Photo size: allows you to set the size of the resulting photo.
Options are:
• 1280x960 (results in a 1.3M size)
• 640x480
• 320x240
White Balance: allows you to set the white balance for the
camera. Choose Auto, Daylight, Incandescent, Fluorescent,
or Cloudy.
Effects: allows you to choose a custom color tone for your
photo. Choose from the following:
• No Effects: automatically adjust the picture for the
best quality available.
• Black & White: removes all color and display the
picture as gray scale/black and white.
• Sepia: adds a sepia tint to the picture. This is the
common orange tint that was popular in early
• Negative: changes the image to a negative image
Self Timer: delays the camera shutter by either 3, 5, or 10
seconds after you press the key.
View Special Effects: allows you to set and view current
image effects while capturing an image.
Shortcuts: allows you to view the currently specified
shortcuts for Camera/Camcorder mode.
Settings: allows you to customize your camera settings.
Choose the following options:
• Shutter Sound: allows you to select a shutter tone
sound when taking a photo.
• Default Storage: allows you to set a default storage
location for the photos taken on your phone. Choose
Phone or Memory Card.
• Quality: allows you to select the picture quality setting.
Choose High, Normal, or Economy.
• Single Shot mode: allows you to select between Take
and Review
or Take and Preview.
• Quality: allows you to select between High, Normal, or
• Movie format: allows you to choose the default movie
format, either MP4, 3GP, or Video Share.
A837.book Page 92 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 3:28 PM