
Video Call: Makes a video call to the originating number.
Preview: Previews multimedia files attached to the message.
Delete: Allows you to delete the selected message, multiple messages
or all messages.
Move to Phone/Move to SIM: If a message is stored in the SIM card,
this option transfers it to the phone’s memory. If a message is stored in
the phone’s memory, it is transferred to the SIM card.
Move to My Folder: Lets you move messages to the My Folder storage
Sort by: Allows you to sort messages by Date, Read/Unread, Sender,
Type, Size or Subject.
Save to Contacts: Lets you add the sender of the selected message to
your phone or SIM card address book.
Save as Template: Saves the message to the Template folder to be
used in the future when creating similar messages.
Lock/Unlock: Prevents the message from being deleted.
Mark as Read: Lets you tag unread messages in your Inbox as having
been read.
Properties: Provides message details, including Date, To, Size, and
Print via Bluetooth: Allows you to print received messages to a
Bluetooth-enabled printer.
Additional Options for My Folder
Open: Opens the selected folder.
Create Folder: Lets you create a new subfolder in My Folder.
Rename Folder: Lets you change the name of the selected folder.