Menu Navigation 17
Using Shortcut Numbers
Numbered menu items, such as menus, sub-menus, and options
can be quickly accessed by using their shortcut numbers. In
Menu mode, Main Menus can be accessed by pressing the
number keys (1 to 0, * and #) corresponding to their location on
the screen.
Accessing the Music Player.
1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key.
2. Press the key for AT&T Music.
3. Press the key for Music Player.
The Music Player is displayed.
The Shortcuts option is another way to access applications from
the idle mode without navigating through the main menu icons
and sub menus. There are twelve available shortcuts, seven
preassigned (Bluetooth, Alarms, Recent Calls, Games,
Applications, My Account, and Tools, and five empty shortcuts (8,
9, 0, *, #) you can assign.
To navigate to the shortcuts:
1. In Idle mode, press the Shortcuts soft key, and highlight a
short cut application.
2. Press the key to access the selected option.
– or –
Press the
soft key and select one of the following:
: open the selected shortcut and displays the submenus,
launches the selected application, or displays a screen.
• Change
: changes the currently selected shortcut and assigns
another shortcut to this field.
: removes the selected shortcut from this field.
• Remove All
: removes all the shortcuts from the fields in this menu.