
Delivery Reports: turn On/Off delivery reports.
Multimedia Message
The following Setting options are available:
Sending Options: allows you to set the following sending options:
Delivery Report: when this option is enabled, the network informs you whether or
not your message has been delivered.
Expire Date: allows you to set the amount of time before the message expires.
Delivery Time: you can set a time for when the phone sends your messages:
Immediately, 6 Hours later, 12 Hours later, 1 Day Later, 1 Week Later.
Priority: you can select the priority level of your messages.
Receiving Options: allows you to set the following receiving options:
Auto Download: multimedia files are automatically downloaded to your handset.
Message Acceptance: allows you to set whether you get all Multimedia
Messages, or Information, Advertisement, or Anonymous messages.
Report Allowed: allows messages with a report.
Profiles: you can select a connection profile to be used for sending and receiving
Multimedia messages. Choose between the three options of MEdia Net, AT&T
MMS, and AT&T JAVA. You can Activate, Edit, or Add New Connection profile.
Page Duration: set the number of seconds a page displays.
Using Browser Messages
The Browser Messages function allows you receive browser messages that are sent
from a browser location, most commonly broadcast messages from your provider.
Broadcast Message*
The following options are available:
Read: allows you to read the first Broad Message displayed. Use the Navigation
key to scroll through the messages.
Receive: allows you to enable or disable the reception of broadcast messages.
Channel List: allows you to indicate the channels from which you wish to receive
broadcast messages. The following options are available:
Select: use to save the channel for future use.
Add Channel: use to enter the ID and title for a new channel.
Delete: use to remove a channel from the list.
Edit: use to change the ID and title of an existing channel.
Language: allows you to select your preferred language in which to display cell
broadcast messages.