English _61
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Setting the Port
1. Use the up/down buttons (
) in <Network> window to
move to <Connection Mode>, and press [ENTER]
2. Select <Port>.
3. Use direction buttons (
▲▼_ +
) to move to a desired
item, and set the value.
• Protocol Type : Select the protocol type between TCP and
- TCP : If compared to UDP, TCP connection is more stable
but slow. Recommended for Internet connection.
- UDP : If compared to TCP, UDP connection is less stable but fast. Recommended for use in LAN
If selected UDP, selections of Device Port, UDP Port and Unicast/Multicast are activated.
If setting the connection mode to PPPoE, you cannot select UDP for the protocol type.
• Device Port : Initially, <4520~4524> is set. It increases / decreases by 5.
- TCP: It has better stability and lower speed when compared to UDP, and recommended for internet
• UDP Port : Initially, <8000~8160> is set. It increases / decreases by 160.
• Unicast/Multicast : Select one between UDP-Unicast and UDP-Multicast.
If selected Multicast, Multicast IP and TTL are activated.
- UDP- Unicast : Transfers data packet to an individual client.
- UDP-Multicast : Allows data communication to multiple clients causing no additional traffic to the network.
• Multicast IP Address : User can directly input.
• Multicast TTL : Select from 0 ~ 255. Initial value for the TTL is set to <5>.
• HTTP Port : Enter the port number for the Web Viewer. Initially, it is set to <80>.
• Multi Browser Support : The Web Viewer can be used with a browser that supports the Silverlight.
The multi viewer can be used only if the HTTP port is set to 80, protocol type is TCP and device ports range
within 4505-4530.
This is for the Siliverlight’s security purposes.
• Secure Video Transmission: Determine the network video transmission data is encrypted or not.
Encrypt: ON, Not Encrypt: OFF.
If you set the secure video transmission mode, the max bandwidth performance will be limited.
When ON is selected, multi browser is not supported.
4. When the protocol setup is done, press <OK>.
Connection Mode
Protocol Type TCP
Device Port 4520 ~ 4524
UDP Port 8000 ~ 8160
Unicast/Multicast Unicast
Multicast IP Address
Multicast TTL 5
HTTP Port 80
Secure Video Transmission ON OFF
* Multi Browser Support:
Device Port 4505~4530, HTTP Port 80
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