Section 10: Tools 118
Alarm Clock
Your phone has an alarm clock that can be set to go off once, or recur daily at a
specific time. Once set, the alarm clock is easy to change or turn off.
Set An Alarm
1. In idle mode, press MENU, then press the right navigation key to
Settings & Tools and press .
2. Press 2 () Tools, 4 () Alarm Clock. The Alarm Clock menu
displays with the Alarm 1 highlighted.
3. The following options appear in the display:
• Alarm 1
• Alarm 2
• Alarm 3
4. Use the navigation key to highlight the alarm that you wish to enable, then
press . The Set Alarm (1, 2, or 3 depending on your selection) screen
appears in the display.
5. The Alarm field is highlighted. Use the left/right navigation keys to select On
or Off.
6. Press the down navigation key to highlight the Time field, then enter the
time that you wish for the alarm to sound.
7. Press the down navigation key once to highlight the am/pm field. Use the
left/right navigation keys to select am or pm.
8. Press the down navigation key once to highlight the Frequency field. Use
the left/right navigation keys to set the frequency (occurrence) of the alarm.
Below lists and defines the options for this field.
• Once: The alarm sounds only once, at the time specified.
• Daily: The alarm sounds every day at the time specified.
• Mon-Fri: The alarm sounds Monday through Friday at the time specified.
• Weekends: The alarm sounds Saturday through Sunday at the time specified.
9. Press the down navigation key once to highlight the first Ringer field. Use
the left/right navigation keys to set the ringer to Tone, Vibrate, or Light Only.
10.If you selected Tone, press the down navigation key again to highlight the
second field. Use the left/right navigation keys to set the alert tone to VZW
Default Tone, or select a tone from your My Ringtones or My Sounds
11.When all fields have correct information entered, press SAVE to save
your settings.