
Customer Agreement
Customer Agreement 219
If you have used more than 30 minutes within 30 days from the date of purchase, and did not exceed
your plan minutes then we will:
• Retainyourmonthlyservicecharge;or
• $0.35perminuteforeachadditionalminuteover30minutes;whicheverisless.
If you have used more than 30 minutes within 30 days from the date of purchase, and did exceed your
plan minutes then we will retain your monthly service charge plus $0.35 per minute for each additional
minute over your plan minutes.
Return Information:
• PleasecallourCustomerServiceDepartmentat1-800-733-6632, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to
cancel your account and obtain a return authorization number. If your phone was purchased from a
retail store, it must be returned to that store and is subject to the retailer’s return policy.
• Approvedreturnsmustbeshippedbackatthecustomer’sexpenseintheoriginalpackaging.
• Refunds,ifapplicable,willbeprocessedbacktothepartythatpaidinthesamemannerthatpayment
was received. Please allow 21 business days for processing.