
Recent Calls
Calls Received
This menu lets you view the calls you received. The Calls Received
menu works the same as the All Calls menu.
Delete All
This menu allows you to delete all of the records in each call record
type. You can also delete all of your call records at one time.
To Press the
select a call record type to
Up or Down navigation key. To delete
all of your call records, select All
add or remove a check mark
delete the marked records Delete soft key.
When a confirming message displays, press the Yes soft key to
Call Time
This menu lets you view the timers for calls you made and received.
Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary, depending on
network features, rounding-off for billing purposes, and so on.
The following timers are available:
Last Call Time: length of the last call.
Total made: total length of all calls you made since the timer was
last reset.
Total Received: total length of all calls you received since the timer
was last reset.
x507.book Page 44 Monday, April 17, 2006 8:17 PM