Recent Calls
Calls Made
This menu lets you view the last 20 numbers you dialed. Use the
navigation key to scroll through the list, and press the Select soft key
to view call details.
The number or name, if available, displays together with the time and
date when the call was made.
By pressing the Options soft key, you can:
♦edit the number and dial it or save it in Address Book.
♦delete the call from the list.
♦You can also dial the number by pressing the key.
Delete All
This menu allows you to delete all of the records in each call record
type. You can also delete all of your call records at one time.
To Press the
select a call record type
to clear
Up or Down key. To delete all of your call
records, select All Calls.
add or remove a check
center navigation key.
delete the marked
Delete soft key.
When a confirming message displays, press the Yes soft key to
Call Time
This menu lets you view the timers for calls you made and received.