July 23, 2001 SGH-N1 05 109
Chapter 5 Understanding Signal Strength
Usage guidelines:
all about performance and
Understanding Signal Strength
The quality of each call you make or receive, is dependent
upon the signal strength in your area. Your phone informs
you of the current signal strength by displaying a icon.
The more bars displayed, the stronger the signal. The
signal strength indicator (
) displays in the upper
left corner of your display screen. The voice quality of
your phone is always clearest when the antenna is fully
raised.If you’re inside a building, reception may be better
near a window.
Specifications are Subject to Change
The information contained in this manual is believed to
be correct at the time of printing, however, Samsung
reserves the right to change or modify any of the
specifications without notice or obligation to update
existing units.
Exposure To Radio Frequency Signals
Your wireless handheld portable telephone is a low
power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it
receives and also transmits radio frequency (RF) signals
In August, 1996. the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) adopted RF exposer guidelines with