UUssiinngg tthhee MMPP33 MMeennuuss UUssiinngg tthhee MMPP33 MMeennuuss
Screen Mode Menu 2
This menu allows you to select the screen to be
displayed while music is playing.
Normal: The display shows the file name, length of
the current track and icon indicating that your
phone is playing the music.
Equalizer: Instead of the file name and icon, the
display shows an equalizer.
Note: If you select Equalizer, the power consump-
tion increases. It is, therefore, recommended
that you set this menu option to Normal.
File Delete Menu 3
You can delete an MP3 file from your phone memory
using this menu.
Delete All: Deletes all the files saved in your phone.
Delete a File: Deletes a selected file.
When you are prompted to confirm your selection,
press the Ok soft key. The file is deleted from your
Memory Inform Menu 4
This menu displays the total and remaining memory
available in your phone.
Incoming Call Menu 1
Using this menu, you can specify whether you wish
to be able to receive a call while playing MP3 music.
Enable: When a call is received, playback auto-
matically stops. The phone rings and the icon is
displayed to inform you that you have a call.
If you wish to answer the call, press the Accept soft
key on the phone or the key on the remote
control and talk to the caller.
If you do not wish to answer the call, press the
Reject soft key. The normal idle screen is displayed.
Disable: When a call is received, playback continues
and you are considered to be on the phone (user
busy). The call is recorded as a missed call in the
Call Records menu.