
Phone Settings
Disable: you can phone any number.
Enable: you can only call phone numbers stored in the
phonebook. You must enter your PIN2.
Not all SIM cards have a PIN2. If your SIM card does not, this menu
option is not displayed.
To change your PIN2, refer to the Change PIN2 menu option
(Menu 5.6.6) below.
Change PIN2
The Change PIN2 feature allows you to change your current
PIN2 to a new one. You must enter the current PIN2 before
you can specify a new one.
Once you have entered a new PIN2, you are asked to
confirm it by entering it again.
Not all SIM cards have a PIN2. If your SIM card does not, this menu
option is not displayed.
Extra Settings
You can turn the automatic redialing or answering features
on or off.
The following options are available.
To turn a feature... Then press the...
On ON soft key.
A check mark is displayed in
front of the option.
Off OFF soft key.
The check mark is no longer