UUssiinngg tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr MMeennuuss
UUssiinngg tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr MMeennuuss
Set UP.Link
This advanced feature displays the name of your
Wireless Web service provider. It is set automatically
via an SMS message from your service provider. You do
not need to change it.
Offline Services
Most applications are stored on a server that cannot be
accessed outside your wireless coverage area. However,
some applications can be stored in the cache of your
phone, enabling you to use them offline. You can
remove the associated site from the cache at any time.
Note: If you attempt to save more than 15 sites, a
message informs you that the first site in the list
will be deleted to create space for the new site.
To delete a site from the offline services list, proceed
as follows.
1. Select the site using the and keys.
2. Press the Erase soft key.
This advanced feature stores outgoing requests from
the browser so that they can be processed at a later
Restart UP.Browser
If the browser is not functioning correctly, select this
option to restart the browser without exiting it.
This advanced feature is set automatically by the service
provider. You do not need to change it.