
Basic Recording
÷ Color Nitefunction works only in Camera mode.
÷ Shutter speed can be controlled, allowingyou to record slow movingobjects.
÷ Color Nitefunction may produce a brighter image.
+ The LED lightcan be usedwith Color Nite function only. (SC-D455/D457 only)
÷ The LED lightenables you to record asubject indark places without sacrificingcolor.
1. Set the Power switch to CAMERA.
2. Set the Modeswitch to TAPE.
3. Pressthe COLOR NITE button.
4. Each time you pressthe COLOR NITE button,shutterspeed ischanged to;
Color N. 1/30, Color N. 1/15and off.(SC-D453 only)
Color N. 1/30, Color N. 1/15, Color N. 1/15([]) andoff.(SC-D455/D457 only)
[ Notes ]
The Color Nite willnot turn ON or OFF while you are recording.
When usingColor Nite the imagetakes on a slow motion like effect.
When usingthe Color Nite function, the focus adjusts slowly and white dots may appear
on the screen, thisis not a defect.
Color Nite is not availablewhile DIS,photoimagerecordingorEASY.Qis inuse.
DigitalZoom,photoimagerecording,Mosaic,Mirror,Emboss2,Pastel2or 16:9Wideis not
availableinthe Color Nite mode.
IfDISor EASY.Qisset, Color Nite modewillbe released.
Danger (SC-D455/D457only)
The LED Lightcan become extremely hot.
Do not touchit whilein operationor soon after turningit off, otherwise serious injury may result.
Do not place the Camcorder in the carryingcase immediatelyafter using the LED Llight,
it remains extremelyhot for some time.
Do not use near flammable or explosive materials.